
We believe that one of our biggest responsibilities is to provide and support ministry opportunities to the people of our congregation and community. We have listed many of these below. Some have people from our church directly involved and others we support with a financial gift. For those who have links we encourage you to check them out.  We hope you will find a place for you to get involved in ministry or a place where you can have your needs met.


Bible Study Opportunities:

Tuesday: 10:00 am, At Highland Park, studying: the book of James.

Contact: Louise:


Wednesday: 7:00 pm Meeting in various homes, studying: The book of Acts

     Contact: Les:


Sunday: 10:00 am, at Highland Park: Adult Bible Study: Theme: Covenants with God

     Contact: Pastor Phill:


Sunday: 7:00 pm, At Highland Park, studying: The Nine Biblical Covenants.

Contact: Pastor Phill:



AWANA is our children's program for children of all ages. They meet Sunday from 4:15 pm to 6:15 pm for songs, games, Bible class and a snack. For more information email Pastor Mike:


          Puggles is our class for ages 2 and 3

          Cubbies is our class for ages 4 and 5

          Sparks is our class for grades K to 2nd

          T & T Adventure is our class for grades 3rd to 5th


For more information about the AWANA Children's Program Click below.

Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed!

2 Timothy 2:15




Pregnancy Resource Center of the New River Valley

Our Church has supported the PRC for many years. We participate in their annual baby bottle fundraiser and several of our people volenteer to serve in the program.  There are two locations in our area, one is in Blacksburg: 540-552-5556 and a new location has opened in Radford: 540-838-2138.  They decribe their services on the website: "Since 1985, women and men have trusted the Pregnancy Resource Center with their most personal concerns. Unplanned Pregnancies. Sexual Health. Parenting Support. Due to generous community donors, our services are available to you free of charge. We offer lab-certified pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, pregnancy options counseling, STI screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea and parenting classes for women and men along with many other support services." If you discover that you have a need for their services we encourage you to give them a call. Check out the website.

Pregnancy Resource Center of the New River Valley:




The Christian Motorcycle Association:

Several of our people are actively involved in this organization. The Local chapter is called: Mountain Curve Riders In His Service (MCRIHS). To get more information about this group check out their websit below.


For more information on the Christian Motorcycle Association National click below:


Brethren In Christ World Missions

We support world mission through our denominational missions program. We sponsor a family serving in a foreign country and help them with financial and prayer support. Due to the nature of ther ministry we do not publish any specific information about them or their location.  If you would like more information about BIC World Missions click on the link below.



New River Valley Narcotics Anonymous

We have hosted this group for many years. They meet at the church every Monday and Wednesday at 6:00 pm and on Saturdays at    10:00 am.   We encourage you to check out their website and to take full advantages of their services if you need them.



Young Life of the New River Valley

Young Life is a program for high school youth. And can est be described by some words form their websisite:

"Young Life New River Valley is a group of caring adults who develop relationships with kids, and share that message. We do this by spending time with kids on their turf. By earning the right to be heard. By walking through life with them. We have weekly "club" meetings and Bible studies where kids can come hear about Jesus in a safe environment that is fun and engaging. We give kids adventure by taking them to camps where the love of God is not only communicated but seen all around them. We believe that every kid in the New River Valley to be a part of their life." For more information click on the link below.


God's Pit Crew

God's Pit Crew is a disaster response ministry that we support through financial gifts and supplies when they respond to a disaster in the United States. For more infomation click on the link below.



Operation Christmas Child

This is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse. We pack shoe boxes with gifts for Christmas. Samaritan's Purse then distrubutes them to children around the world in circumstance when they would not experience a gift at Christmas. For more information click on the link below to go to the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child website.



Habitat for Humanity of the New River Valley

We support this local program that helps to build and rebuild homes for people in need. For more information please check put the website.




There are many other local ministries that we support and participate in:


The Dublin Elementary School Back Program:

The program provides backpacks filled with food to families who qualify through the school.  They are distrubutited weekly.  We provide peanut butter, trail mix bars, soup, Rice Krispie treats, and financial support this program which is a collective effort of a large number of churches in the greater Dublin area.


Safe Haven

Safe Haven are child visitation centers located in Pulaski, Christiansburg, and Wythville.  They provide a "Monitored Exchange Program" that is designed to facilitate the exchange of children between the custodial parent and the non-custodial parent. They also provide "Supervised Visation" where the non-custodial parent will remain at the center with the child and a staff member for the duration of the visit. If you are in need of their services please call their main telephone number: 540-808-0096 or Email them at:


The Warming Station

This ministry provides a warm place to sleep whenever the air tempature goes beloe 40 degrees. Hot showers and a hot meal are also provided. There are two apartments that house men and women separately.


The Daily Bread Soup Kitchen

This ministry provided a free lunch to people in the Pulaski area.  We have several people who help in this ministry.


The Dublin Christmas Basket Program

This program is a 50 year old program that provides a box of food and Christmas presents to families that qualify.  It is always a joy to share in making someone's Christmas celebration better in the face of trying times.


Dublin Weekday Religious Education

This is also a long time program in the Pulaski County School system. Children who sign up are taken by bus to a special church location and are taught Bible Stories and songs by a dedicated staff of teachers and assistants. Children and the families must sign up to participate in this program.


Community Action

Community Action is a program located in Pulaski county that provides food and financial assistance to the less fortunate people of our community.  We collect food and take a monthly special offering to assist with this program.


Prison Ministry

We are fortunate to have a very special individual who is willing and able to go into the local prison system and minister to those people who are in prison. We support him in prayer and provide Bibles and devotional materials for his use.



         Contact Us Today!


 Highland Park Community Church
6144 Wright Ave
Dublin, VA  24084

Office Phone: 540-674-6834


E-mail: Pastor Phillip Madison:


E-mail: Secretary - Darlene:


E-mail: Prayer Chain Contact:  Debbie:



Find us on Facebook:



For a daily devotional click below:




For a map of Dublin with our church location click below:




Check out our parent denomionation the Brethren In Christ Church by clicking the link below.


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© Highland Park Community Church